Club Volleyball

Joanna Wolosz stays with Champions League Winner Imoco for Next Season


Article Tue, May 28 2024

Seven seasons, twenty-one trophies—these numbers alone would be enough to describe the fundamental importance of Joanna Wolosz to Prosecco DOC Imoco Volley. However, the cold numbers cannot fully capture what her presence has meant, means, and will mean to the yellow-blue Panthers club and its extraordinary fans.

To everyone in Conegliano, she is simply "Asia," a special leader, charismatic captain, never yielding, embodying a winning spirit that has been passed down for more than half a decade to the newcomers and that infects anyone who enters the Palaverde, whether they are a player, a sponsor, or a fan. 

When she lights up her panther eyes and sets her silky hands in motion, Wolosz illuminates the playing field, combining spectacle with fierce pragmatism that has made her "the" setter in world volleyball. A gem that the world envies Prosecco DOC Imoco Volley, and one that has chosen to continue her journey in the yellow-blue colors of Conegliano, which will be her "home" again in the coming season where she will lead the new team in pursuit of more trophies and more joys to offer the yellow-blue fans.

It is a great pride for me to be the captain of this team. I wanted to continue my extraordinary adventure here in Conegliano and I am very happy that this beautiful story continues. Since 2017, when I arrived, I have lifted many trophies with my teammates. It has been a constant growth, step by step my career and the club's standing have grown in a truly special environment. Being the captain of a winning team and an exceptional group is a great experience.

Joanna Wolosz
Imoco Captain

Trophies (21) 
Italian Championship: 5 (2017-18, 2018-19, 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24); Italian Cup: 5 (2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24); Italian SuperCup: 6 (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023);  World Club Championship: 2 (2019, 2022); CEV Champions League Volley: 2 (2020-21, 2023-24)

Individual Awards

Serie A1 MVP 2018
Champions League: Best Setter, 2019
Club World Championship: Best Setter, 2019
Italian Cup: MVP, 2020
Club World Championship: Best Setter, 2021
Italian Super Cup: MVP, 2022
Italian Super Cup: MVP, 2023
